
Six Minutes to Success, Six Minutes to Success

Six Minutes to Success Overview

Dramatically increase your results – In ALL areas of your life with the ease, convenience and motivation of Six Minutes to Success. Get practical steps combined with the real inspiration you need to earn more money, create thriving relationships, start a wildly successful business, lose any amount of weight and live a more productive.

278 Students

Presented by Bob Proctor Six Minutes to Success, Six Minutes to Success


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Product Features

Success Start-Up Kit

Getting started, and achieving your goals, is simple and fun! Before you can build your dream house you must first start with the foundation - and your dream life is no different. The Success Start-Up Kit consists of 4 videos that lay the foundation for all the good you truly desire and help you get the most out of your Six Minutes to Success Membership.

Action Planner

If you really want success FAST, the Six Minutes Action Planner is inspiring, thought-provoking and refreshingly challenging.

Daily Featured Video

Every morning, a brand new video on universal laws, money, health, relationships and more. Spend quality time with one of the world's master thinkers and achievers, Bob Proctor, every morning - 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Bob is going to share a new thought-provoking, mind-expanding idea along with an exercise to get you taking action every day! The results of this new Six Minute a day habit is completely limitless.

Audio MP3s

For the individual on-the-go, enjoy MP3 audios of every Six Minutes to Success daily video so whether you're in the car, going for a jog or waiting for a meeting is success easy and convenient!


It can be so helpful to drill down to exactly what Bob is saying, by having it in text right in front of you. If you want to jot down a quote he mentioned, a book or a specific point - no need. You have access to the transcripts of each and every daily video.

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